Cloud Native By DevTechToday September 20, 2024

Mastering Cloud Native Development Best Practices For Scalable Applications

Native cloud applications offer countless advantages, from portability and scalability to efficient resource usage. Here are a few examples of organizations that embraced cloud-native development to utilize one of such cloud native benefits;

  1. Capital One
  2. Pinterest
  3. Huawei

However, developing a cloud-native application is filled with thrilling tasks. The primary job in front of a cloud application developer is to maximize the benefits of the cloud and eliminate risks and threats. It is ideal to follow well-defined practices to ensure the attainment of this objective. Discover the top cloud native development best practicesa winning formula for your native cloud application in this article! By embracing cloud native development best practices, enterprises can effortlessly respond to altering market winds and craft the most adaptable cloud-based app.

What Is A Cloud-Native Application?

Cloud-native applications are designed to exploit the cloud computing model wholly. They are highly resilient to failures, highly scalable, and highly available, making them ideal for operating in a cloud environment. Developing cloud-native application isn’t about building seamlessly scalable application but an inherently adaptable system.

  • According to McKinsey, the market for cloud-native application (CNA) is expected to expand from $5.9B in 2023 to $17B in 2028. 

The outcomes of cloud-native development provide the following;

  • Improved collaboration
  • Streamlined IT infrastructure
  • Enhanced business continuity
  • Reduced development costs
  • Better customer experience

Seamless Cloud Native Development Best Practices

The more efficient the cloud-native development process, the more reliable the resulting cloud-native application. Refer to the below-mentioned best practices for cloud native development for a smooth and seamless cloud-native development process, and begin implementing these practices with a cloud-native mindset:

Go Serverless

Serverless technologies allow you to manage data, integrate applications, and run code without managing servers. They feature a pay-for-use billing model, built-in high availability, and automatic scaling to optimize costs and increase agility. It can also be a cost-effective option, as your payment will depend on the execution of functions. It eliminates the burden of infrastructure setup by swiftly deploying apps.

Embrace Microservices

Microservices play a significant role in cloud-native application building by fundamentally altering how apps are developed, deployed, and scaled. It breaks down applications into independent, smaller pieces. Each microservice executes a specific function. As they operate independently, cloud-native developers can scale or update parts of an application without influencing the whole.

CI/CD Pipelines

Implementing CI/CD in cloud-native application development simplifies the software release process. It introduces automation from the integration phase to the deployment phase. CI/CD pipelines are more efficient than legacy deployments. They empower teams to deliver code changes reliably and frequently. They are fundamental for fostering innovation and agility in cloud-native development.

Infrastructure as Code(IaC)

Infrastructure as Code involves provisioning and handling resources through code rather than writing custom scripts or performing manual actions. Embracing CI/CD enables quick releases and accelerates time to market. Employing IaC ensures safe and repeatable resource provisioning.  It fosters the concept of immutable infrastructure. 

Continuous Monitoring

Robust monitoring is essential as cloud native apps are complex distributed systems. It consolidates data from multiple sources, such as application metrics, system logs, traces, and user interactions. Moreover, Observation strategies can be refined through continuous monitoring. Effective monitoring forms the backbone of robust cloud-native environments. 

Select The Right Tech Stack

Your technology decisions greatly influence the construction of your cloud-native application. An experienced cloud-native engineer can assist you in selecting the right tech stack for your product development. For example, specific tools may be more suitable for data processing, while others may suit building microservices. This adaptability empowers teams to select the most efficient tools, considering their expertise. Cloud-native development involves continuous assessment of the tech stack to validate its alignment with emerging market trends and evolving requirements.

Cloud-Native Security

Adequate security measures must be adopted to eliminate the number of security threats in cloud-native environments, ranging from data breaches to unauthorized access. A trusted partner will assist you in effectively implementing the best security practices for cloud-native applications. Primary safety strategies involve network security, intrusion detection, access control, monitoring, and data encryption. For robust protection, security testing is a pivotal best practice for cloud-native application development. An experienced cloud application developer must integrate these best practices into product development.


By embedding these cloud native development best practices, you accelerate your enterprise’s overall resilience. These practices are instrumental in crafting a robust and efficient cloud-native app and promote a culture of ongoing improvement and vigilance.

If you are considering native cloud application development, Bacancy has the proven experience to assist you throughout the journey. Their professional cloud native development services will be your ultimate partner in getting the most out of your cloud native application.

Happy Clouding!

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