Artificial Intelligence By DevTechToday July 30, 2024

How AI in MRI is Enhancing Medical Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a critical technology in modern medical diagnostics. Although it is good in many ways, it has limitations, such as lengthy scan time, high costs, and limited availability. In these times, it is crucial for healthcare to leverage the latest technologies, such as AI in MRI, to enhance patient outcomes and improve diagnostic precision.

These reasons often compel the doctors or patients to shift to Computed Tomography (CT) Scan. Such small but impactful issues cause discomfort, stress, and anxiety during the scanning for the patients. Additionally, the high costs and limited access can hinder timely medical attention.

Artificial Intelligence holds the potential to revolutionize MRI scans significantly. AI in MRI can help the healthcare institute improve many MRI tasks, ultimately benefiting patients in many ways, from faster scans to enhanced accessibility to the MRI.


Let’s understand it in depth.

How is AI Used in MRI?

AI is revolutionizing MRI in hospitals by making the process faster, more accurate, and more accessible. By leveraging advanced algorithms, AI enhances various aspects of MRI scanning and analysis, significantly improving patient care and hospital efficiency.

  • Faster Scans: Once AI is integrated into MRI scans, it will take less time to scan a patient, ultimately scanning more patients in a day.
  • Quality images: Leveraging AI in medical imaging can enhance the quality of the MRI images captured, allowing doctors to see even the finest details of the picture.
  • Quicker analysis: With faster scans, AI-powered MRI can help doctors analyze results quicker and treat patients promptly.
  • Improved Diagnostics Accuracy: AI MRI can diagnose patients more effectively by analyzing images in detail.
  • Efficient Workflow: AI streamlines the MRI process, which could reduce medical staff’s workload and increase productivity.
  • Cost Reduction: MRI processes leveraging AI assistance could save expenditures for hospitals and patients.
  • Earlier Detection of Abnormalities: Artificial intelligence can detect abnormalities at an early stage of growth, which would help doctors recommend preventive measures to the patient and offer timely treatment.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Even in remote and under-resourced areas, AI can make the MRI system more accessible.

Robotic Process Automation in healthcare sector 2024

Explore top 5 use cases of RPA in healthcare to save time, money, and efficiency in the healthcare sector. Learn in-depth and utilize RPA at its best.

Stanford University Medical Center: Leveraging AI in MRI

The Stanford University Medical Center is one of the best places to see how AI has made MRI technology much better. They have put in place an AI-powered system called “Compressed Sensing” that changes the way MRIs work, solving problems from the past and making diagnoses more accurate.

Technology Used: Compressed Sensing

AI in MRI is used for compressed sensing to make high-quality MRI pictures from fewer data points than traditional methods. This high-tech method uses deep learning models to guess and fill in missing data, which lets scans go faster without lowering the quality of the images.

Issues Faced Earlier

  • Lengthy Scan Times: MRI scans used to take up to 45 minutes, and patients had to stay still for long amounts of time, which could be painful and cause motion artifacts.
  • Image Quality Concerns: Even though scans took a long time, images weren’t always clear enough to make accurate conclusions.
  • Workflow Inefficiencies: The long scanning process caused jams, which limited the number of patients who could be seen each day and made wait times longer.

Improvements with AI

  • Reduced Scan Times: Up to 50% less time is needed for scans, which makes patients more comfortable and reduces motion artifacts.
  • Enhanced Image Quality: Radiologists can find even the smallest problems in pictures because AI makes them clear.
  • Streamlined Workflow: More patients can be scanned every day, which reduces wait times and increases productivity.

Similarly, you can integrate AI into your hospital’s MRI. Hundreds of outsourcing companies can lend you their decorated AI engineers. However, be wise and hire artificial intelligence developers from a company that can deliver good results by following ethical practices.

Ultimately, I would like to say that it could sound like a dream, but it isn’t a dream anymore. Technology has started taking some revolutionary steps, and defense and healthcare are on the frontlines of leveraging those technologies for the safety and prosperity of people’s lives. I wish you the best of luck in succeeding and being ahead of your competitors by leveraging modern technologies in your healthcare organization.